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Le guide ultime de la planification d'événements virtuels

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Hoyin Cheung

12 minutes


Mise à jour :

3 mai 2024

The ultimate guide to event planning
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Are you planning your next big virtual event? If so, you've come to the right place!  In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about virtual events; including which platform to choose and advanced virtual event strategies to take your next virtual event to the next level.


What is a virtual event?

A virtual event can simply be defined as a gathering that takes place online. Similar to in-person events, virtual events aim to bring like-minded people together for a variety of reasons including networking, relationship building, training, learning, and so much more. Virtual events can take many forms including webinars, live streaming events, online trade shows, and virtual conferences.

The beauty of virtual events is that they can be accessed by anyone anywhere in the world, as long as they have a stable internet connection. To mimic in-person interactions and ensure connectivity, virtual events often leverage tools that help create a more interactive experience such as video conferencing, chat rooms, live polls, and more.

How does a virtual event work?

A virtual event is an online gathering that simulates an in-person event or set of interactions. To simulate an in-person event, a virtual event platform, like Remo, is used to facilitate the event. The virtual event can take any number of formats including but not limited to panel discussions, live presentations, round table chats, keynote speeches, and so much more. Depending on the platform chosen, participants will also have access to a wide range of features that make interacting online as opposed to in person seamless and effective. This means interacting via chat rooms, live polls, Q&As, video chats, virtual networking sessions, and more. The event host or facilitator will be present during the event to ensure everything runs smoothly from start to finish. This includes welcoming guests, answering any questions, and facilitating activities throughout the event. After the event has concluded, the event host or facilitator may follow up with a survey or questionnaire to collect feedback that can be used to inform future events.

Hybrid Events vs Virtual Events

Choosing between hosting a hybrid event and a virtual event can be difficult, especially if you aren’t well versed on what each one has to offer. While both hybrid and virtual events aim to bring people together, virtual events allow attendees to join exclusively through an online platform whereas hybrid events allow participants to join both virtually and in-person. Choosing between the two largely depends on your intended outcome. If you have a concentrated audience in one geographical area, you may want to host a hybrid event. If your audience is largely dispersed and you wish to have no geographical bounds, hosting a virtual event is for you.

Virtual Events vs In-Person Events

Virtual events are the opposite of in-person events as they take place exclusively online. In-person events have a live audience and take place in a physical location whereas virtual events take place in a virtual environment that simulates an in-person event. It’s important to note that virtual events are more inclusive. Less costly, and easier to pull off.

Virtual Meetings vs Virtual Events

Have you stopped to consider the difference between virtual meetings and virtual events? Virtual meetings are real-time interactions that take place via a video conferencing tool between a select group and normally occur internally. Virtual events normally offer much more than a virtual meeting and often occur among a much larger group of people. These people are often a curated target audience that are outside of your organization.

What are the different event types of virtual events?

There are many different types of virtual events. The one you choose will largely depend on your goals, objectives and audience. Here are some of the most common types of virtual events:

  1. Webinars

A webinar is an online presentation or workshops that focus on a select topic. These virtual events are often broadcasted to a select group and can be hosted by a singular individual or an organization. The main value of hosting a webinar is having the opportunity to educate your intended audience on a select topic while helping you communicate in real-time from anywhere in the world.

  1. Virtual conferences

A virtual conference or webinar is a meeting that takes place in a virtual environment for any number of reasons. Similar to in-person conferences, virtual conferences often gather keynote speakers or a select group of professionals to learn from one another, collaborate, brainstorm, or network.

  1. Virtual meetups

A virtual meetup is an informal online gathering that takes place among like-minded individuals that share common goals or interests. For example, an online meetup may take place among startup founders that are eager to learn from one another or exchange ideas, or even among movie buffs that want to connect with other film lovers to discuss storylines.

  1. Live streaming events

Live streaming events are events that take place in real-time that are broadcasted by the host and streamed over the internet by guests. Live streaming events may be used for anything from a product launch to a sports game, or a webinar. Live streaming events are also excellent resources to use if you want to extend your reach or get in front of consumers that aren’t able to attend an in-person event.

  1. Virtual job fairs

Virtual job fairs are events that are used by employers to connect with potential employees. Similar to in-person job fairs, these events are used to promote openings and get to know candidates. Virtual job fairs are especially important in a virtual environment where organizations may be hiring for remote opportunities as opposed in in-person roles.

  1. Virtual team building events

Hosting a virtual team building event is an excellent way to build comradery among remote teams. Virtual team building events are often used among remote organizations to promote teamwork and collaboration via the use of games or challenges that require teamwork and strategic thinking.

  1. Virtual workshops

Virtual workshops are events that take place online with the end goal of teaching attendees a new skill. This can be anything from a workshop on improving communication in the workplace to a workshop on how to prioritize mental health while working remotely. These are learning opportunities that are often led by an industry expert or skilled professional.

  1. Online trade shows

Online trade shows are virtual exhibitions that allow companies to showcase their products and services to potential customers in hopes of garnering additional exposure or making a sale. Often featuring virtual booths and networking opportunities, online trade shows provide organizations with an excellent opportunity to market their products and form genuine connections.

  1. Virtual product launches

Often used with the intent of garnering a global audience, virtual product launches are events that empower organizations to showcase a new product, feature, or update to an online audience. These events are used by hosts to build hype around a product and consumers to learn more about a product.

The best virtual event platforms, like Remo, are built to support a variety of event types for a cost effective events solution – check out how Remo's Virtual Event Platform offers a solution for all event types.

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Virtual Event planning and hosting considerations

Executing a virtual event requires you to be extremely clear about your goals and objectives, and carefully choose what aspects to include to hit those goals. Here’s how to start planning your virtual event.

  1. Nail down your event format and theme

Nailing down your event format is key to hosting a successful virtual event. In order to nail down your format, you must first determine your object. From there, you can work backwards and determine which format will help you achieve your objectives. Many virtual event platforms make it possible for you to create a fully customizable event with unique features that allow you to sew your theme into the fibers of your event. For example, if you’re hosting a virtual event around health and wellness, you may want to leverage a tool like Remo to create a custom virtual environment that mimics a gym or yoga studio.

  1. Identify your audience and prepare attendees

Identifying your audience is important for two reasons with the first being user preferences. It’s important to identify your audience so you can create an event that caters to their preferences. This will allow you to make more informed decisions during the preliminary planning stages that ultimately lead to more positive attendee experiences. Secondly, it’s important to prepare attendees for your virtual event. It’s important to consider that everyone may not be tech savvy or well versed in the realm of virtual events. These individuals may find virtual events confusing or even overwhelming which is why it's important to prepare them in advance. This can be done by circulating instructions or even an informational video prior to the event.

  1. Invite speakers, sponsors, and industry experts

A virtual event is only as good as its content which is why it’s important to craft a comprehensive agenda that is jam-packed with valuable segments. Inviting industry experts and guest speakers is a great way to make your event more engaging while providing your guests with additional value. These segments can then be used to host round table discussions, or initiate networking opportunities.

Before you can nail down a guest speaker and invite industry experts you must first:

  • Determine the date and time of your event  – when will your event take place?
  • Determine the purpose of your event – what do you want people to take away from it?
  • What type of speaker are you looking for – a keynote speaker or a breakout session speaker?
  • Flesh out your marketing plan– are you planning to enlist the assistance of your speakers in
  • advertising your event?
  • Your budget for a speaker or speakers – are you willing to pay or would you prefer to add a submission form where experts can apply and volunteer their time?
  1. Budget accordingly

The key to generating a virtual event budget is to identify all of the components that have an associated cost. An excellent way to keep track of your costs is to generate a simple spreadsheet that you can use to itemize each cost in detail. If you’re working with a team to bring your event to fruition, it's important that everyone remains accountable to the budget. This means briefing your team on the budget in addition to teaching them how to properly account for dollars spent. Your entire team must use expenditure tracking to disclose how much money has been spent and what it has been spent on.

  1. Choose the right virtual event platform

A virtual event platform is a software application or tool that can be downloaded directly to your device or broadcasted from the web platform to host online events including seminars, conferences, workshops, and more. Typically, a webinar platform is an all-encompassing tool that enables you to facilitate and host a virtual event seamlessly with a suite of tools that help with scheduling, registration, and audience engagement. Features often include screen sharing, polling, Q&A sessions, chat rooms, and whiteboards among others. A comprehensive virtual event platform will also provide analytics that can be used to gather audience insights like attendance and engagement while simultaneously providing you with the information you need to shape future events.

Virtual event platforms are becoming increasingly more important as organizations around the world continue to embrace remote-first policies which is why it’s important to learn more about the webinar platforms that are worth your time. While there are many options to choose from, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Remo, GoTo Webinar, and Webex have all proven to be popular choices.

What are the best virtual event platforms for hosting virtual events?

  1. Zoom

Zoom est une plateforme de vidéoconférence basée sur le cloud qui permet aux individus et aux organisations d'organiser et de participer à des réunions virtuelles, des webinaires et des événements en ligne. Zoom offre aux utilisateurs une variété de fonctionnalités qui permettent d'offrir des expériences virtuelles exceptionnelles, notamment des conférences vidéo et audio, le partage d'écran, des arrière-plans virtuels, l'enregistrement et la lecture, le clavardage et des salles de réunion. Avec Zoom, les animateurs ou les hôtes peuvent affecter les participants aux salles de réunion manuellement ou automatiquement et peuvent fixer des délais ou réaffecter les participants selon les besoins.

  1. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft teams est une plateforme de communication collaborative qui permet aux individus de se réunir et de partager des informations en temps réel. Avec Microsoft teams, vous pouvez discuter avec vos collègues, passer des appels vidéo ou audio, ou organiser des réunions ou des événements virtuels avec une variété de caractéristiques et de fonctions. Là encore, les animateurs peuvent créer des salles de réunion manuellement ou de manière aléatoire, et peuvent fixer des délais ou mettre fin à des salles de réunion manuellement.

  1. GoToWebinar

GoToWebinar est une plateforme web qui permet aux organisations d'héberger et de gérer des webinaires en direct, des événements en ligne et des conférences virtuelles. Cette plateforme offre un large éventail de fonctionnalités, notamment des pages d'inscription personnalisées, des options de marquage, des rappels automatisés par courrier électronique, des sondages et des enquêtes, ainsi que des outils d'analyse. GoToWebinar permet à des utilisateurs comme vous de présenter votre écran, votre vidéo et votre présentation aux participants en temps réel, tout en tirant parti de fonctions interactives telles que le chat, les questions-réponses et la levée de main. Cette plateforme permet également aux utilisateurs de créer jusqu'à 20 salles de réunion dans lesquelles les participants peuvent être répartis manuellement ou de manière aléatoire. Là encore, les utilisateurs peuvent programmer des minuteries ou mettre fin manuellement à ces salles de réunion.

  1. Webex

Webex est une plate-forme de vidéoconférence et de collaboration basée sur le web qui permet à des utilisateurs comme vous de se connecter et de collaborer en ligne. Cette plateforme offre des fonctionnalités telles que la vidéo HD et l'audioconférence, le partage d'écran, le partage de fichiers, les arrière-plans virtuels, l'enregistrement et les salles de réunion. Webex permet également aux utilisateurs d'organiser et de participer à des réunions virtuelles, des webinaires et des sessions de formation depuis n'importe quel endroit ou n'importe quel appareil.

  1. BigMarker

BigMarker est une plateforme tout-en-un pour l'organisation de webinaires, d'événements en ligne et de conférences virtuelles. Cette solution basée sur le cloud permet aux entreprises, aux organisations et aux particuliers de créer, de gérer et d'organiser des webinaires et des événements de haute qualité grâce à une série de fonctionnalités telles que la diffusion en direct, le partage d'écran, le tableau blanc, les sondages, les salles de réunion et bien plus encore. Comme d'autres plateformes, BigMarker prend en charge les salles de réunion et les utilisateurs peuvent assigner des salles de réunion manuellement ou automatiquement et définir des minuteries ou mettre fin aux salles de réunion manuellement.

  1. Remo

Remo is a virtual event platform that was built to help users host exceptional experiences. Designed to replicate in-person networking experiences, Remo is the ideal solution for anyone that is looking to host interactive virtual events, conferences, or meetings. Unlike other platforms on this list, Remo provides you with a virtual venue where participants can interact with each other and engage with the event host or speakers. In addition to features like video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, interactive whiteboards, virtual backgrounds, and breakout rooms, Remo also makes it possible for you to create a fully customizable virtual environment for your event.

Advanced virtual event strategies to take your event to the next level

Strategy 1: Promote your event

Unlike traditional events, which need 6 to 12 months of planning, you can conceptualize and bring a virtual event to fruition in no time. Here are a few general tips to keep in mind when promoting your event:

Before the event:

  • Make  landing pages.
  • Send email reminders.
  • Make a  website for the event.
  • Send  out direct mail campaigns.
  • Figure out who your target audience is.
  • Create contests and social media posts.
  • Launch  your email marketing campaigns.

During the event:

  • Share downloadable resources.
  • Continue to send out reminder emails.
  • Use  live chat or chatbots to answer queries.
  • Organize  branded activities and experiences.
  • Make real-time social media updates (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).

Strategy 2: Create a custom virtual environment

The beauty of leveraging virtual event platforms like Remo is having the ability to create a fully customizable virtual event space. With virtual event platforms with these capabilities the sky is truly the limit. You can let your imagination run wild and create a virtual floor plan of your own or work with a professional to bring your vision to life.

Strategy 3: Gather sponsorships

Event sponsorships are an excellent way to cover the costs of your event. Not only this, but a list of notable event sponsors help build trust and credibility. Virtual event platforms like Remo made it possible to build sponsors into your virtual event by providing you with the space necessary to include them in your floor plan. All you have to do is select a floor plan that includes sponsor banner slots.

Strategy 4: Follow up with polls and surveys

Collecting feedback after the event has finished is an excellent way to derive insights that wouldn't have otherwise been available. This can be a great way to receive feedback, engage with attendees, and strengthen your network. These insights will help you learn what went right and what went wrong so you can double down on successful verticals during future events.

Host your next virtual event with Remo, the premier choice for virtual events

Remo is an immersive virtual event platform that empowers event hosts or facilitators to recreate natural interactions in any type of gatherings, from global networking events to virtual meetings between colleagues. Where other telecommunication tools make it possible for you to host virtual networking events, Remo empowers you to take your event to new heights by creating customized virtual environments and unlocking access to intuitive one-of-a-kind tools. For the first time ever, you can create a captivating virtual environment specifically for your virtual event and keep your audience engaged with exclusive features. Simply create your own custom environment or have an expert do it for you.

Interested in optimizing your next virtual event? Get started today by booking a personalized demo with our product experts or click here to discover how Remo's Virtual Event Platform can help you boost engagement and attendance.


Hoyin Cheung

Hoyin Cheung is the Founder & CEO of Remo, where he focuses on enhancing the authenticity of connections at virtual events. With a wealth of experience in event planning, he translates his insights into compelling content aimed at improving virtual interactions. His mission is to empower event professionals with practical tips to foster genuine connections in every virtual gathering.

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